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General Questions
How much money can I make?
Oxygen bars provide very high profit margins. It costs an oxygen bar owner about $0.39 per SESSION to run the bar, which includes the aroma, nose hose and oxygen (labor is not figured into this as it is variable). The average session costs the consumer $10.00 for 10 minutes, leaving a $9.61 PROFIT for the owner per session or customer! It gets better because OXYGENBARS.COM offers several additional products for you to sell to that same consumer such as OXYGENBARS.COM O2 Body Mist, OXYGENBARS.COM Herbal Shooters, and more. These products will significantly increase revenue for you. This is why OXYGENBARS.COM equipment is so popular as a business opportunity because they have low start-up costs and high profit margins. To answer the question of how much money you can make.the sky is the limit.How does it make you feel?
Breathing higher concentrations of oxygen has several benefits; the most commonly reported benefits are increased energy, an uplifted refreshed feeling, clearing of the mind, relief of toxic headaches such as the hangover, relief of stress and promotion of higher concentration levels. Oxygen is also a proven detoxifier and has anti-aging properties.Is breathing oxygen in an oxygen bar harmful?
There are no risks and no adverse effects with the short-term use of oxygen. The American Lung Association has said that breathing oxygen from an oxygen bar for less than 30 minutes (one oxygen bar session) has no harmful effects and there is no evidence that oxygen used in bars can be dangerous to a normal person's health. OXYGENBARS.COM equipment is safe, profitable and healthy! Note: There are a small number of physicians in the medical community, who offer opinions on oxygen bars as oxygen therapy and the safety of long-term oxygen treatment. There is NO evidence that oxygen used in bars can be dangerous to a normal person's health. Oxygen bars have been in existence for over 12 YEARS and are popular in several countries; millions of people have enjoyed oxygen sessions around the world without a single health related incident or lawsuit. Oxygen bars are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any illness or disease.What are the aromas made of?
OXYGENBARS.COM uses only water-based, oxygen safe aromas. Some are derived from natural elements such as Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint and Orange; others are fun aromas such as Pina Colada and Vanilla.Do you need any special licenses or certifications to own/run an oxygen bar?
No, oxygen bars are strictly for entertainment and not for medical or therapeutic use. All components of an OXYGENBARS.COM Oxygen Bar are non-medical and as such require no special licenses or certifications. All you need to own/run an oxygen bar is a desire to make money and have fun doing it!Where do you get the oxygen?
The oxygen in oxygen bars comes from completely self-contained machines called oxygen concentrators (non-medical). These non-medical concentrators use a technology called Pressure Swing Adsorption, a NASA created technology that filters out Nitrogen, Argon and other trace gasses from the ambient air. This technology then puts the separated oxygen molecule to 92% purity to the recipient and the Nitrogen and other gasses get released back into the atmosphere. Once the oxygen bar equipment is purchased you never have to buy oxygen ever again!Are oxygen bars legal?
OXYGENBARS.COM oxygen bars are operating legally in over 52 countries worldwide. In the USA, they very simply have to follow guidelines set forth by the FDA. These guidelines include using NO medical equipment counter to perform different functions without being evaluated by the FDA. (That is why you see on all of these products, including oxygen bars, disclaimers that say "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA"). There are currently 100's of oxygen bars operating legally in this country in several different industries to include, tanning, nightclubs, hotels, casinos, juice bars, health clubs, cruise ships, theme parks, salons, restaurants, and malls.What is an oxygen bar?
An oxygen bar is a kiosk or place that offers non-medical oxygen mixed with various scents including aromatherapy. The air we normally breathe contains about 21% oxygen the rest is Nitrogen, Argon and other trace gasses. The oxygen in oxygen bars is between 90% and 92% oxygen allowing the customer to breathe 4 to 5 times the normal amount of oxygen. These oxygen bars give patrons an uplifted refreshed feeling as well as increased energy, detoxification and a general overall good feeling.