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  • How much money can I make?

    By on March 5, 2014

    Oxygen bars provide very high profit margins. It costs an oxygen bar owner about $0.39 per SESSION to run...
  • How does it make you feel?

    By on March 5, 2014

    Breathing higher concentrations of oxygen has several benefits; the most commonly reported benefits are increased energy, an uplifted refreshed...
  • Is breathing oxygen in an oxygen bar harmful?

    By on March 5, 2014

    There are no risks and no adverse effects with the short-term use of oxygen. The American Lung Association has...
  • What are the aromas made of?

    By on March 5, 2014

    OXYGENBARS.COM uses only water-based, oxygen safe aromas. Some are derived from natural elements such as Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint and...
  • Do you need any special licenses or certifications to own/run an oxygen bar?

    By on March 5, 2014

    No, oxygen bars are strictly for entertainment and not for medical or therapeutic use. All components of an OXYGENBARS.COM...
  • Where do you get the oxygen?

    By on March 5, 2014

    The oxygen in oxygen bars comes from completely self-contained machines called oxygen concentrators (non-medical). These non-medical concentrators use a...
  • Are oxygen bars legal?

    By on March 5, 2014

    OXYGENBARS.COM oxygen bars are operating legally in over 52 countries worldwide. In the USA, they very simply have to...
  • What is an oxygen bar?

    By on March 5, 2014

    An oxygen bar is a kiosk or place that offers non-medical oxygen mixed with various scents including aromatherapy. The...